APPENDIX - CanMeds2000 - Skills for the New Millennium
 Report of the Societal Needs Working Group


The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada's Canadian Medical Education Directions for Specialists 2000 Project Sept. 1996  <>


Skills for the new millennium delineates a competency framework that will assist future specialists in responding to innumerable challenges as health‑care providers - challenges that will require them to function in a health‑care system in a constant state of flux and facing increasing fiscal constraints - while providing the best specialty care. This roles framework, based on the Educating Future Physicians for Ontario (EFPO) Project roles,  has been accepted by The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada's Council as the desired future direction of postgraduate medical education (PGME) in Canada, thus changing the face of specialty care in the next millennium. [These competencies are appended here because they apply to all physicians, not just specialists]


Essential Roles and Key Competencies of Specialist Physicians


Medical Expert

- demonstrate diagnostic and therapeutic skills for ethical and effective patient care

- access and apply relevant information to clinical practice

- demonstrate effective consultation services with respect to patient care, education and legal opinions


- establish therapeutic relationship with patients/families

- obtain and synthesize relevant history from patients/families/communities

- listen effectively

- discuss appropriate information with patients/families and the health care team


- consult effectively with other physicians and health care professionals

- contribute effectively to other interdisciplinary team activities


- utilize resources effectively to balance patient care, learning needs, outside activities

- allocate finite health care resources wisely

- work effectively and efficiently in a health care organization

- utilize information technology to optimize patient care, life‑long learning, other activities

Health Advocate

- identify the important determinants of health affecting patients

- contribute effectively to improved health of patients and communities

- recognize and respond to those issues where advocacy is appropriate


- develop, implement and monitor a personal continuing education strategy

- critically appraise sources of medical information

- facilitate learning of patients, housestaff/students and other health professionals

- contribute to development of new knowledge


- deliver highest quality care with integrity, honesty and compassion

- exhibit appropriate personal and interpersonal professional behaviours

- practise medicine ethically consistent with obligations of a physician